
Repute’s Wizards take you through a series of steps to help you perform some of the most common processes used in the program.



The Project wizard is used to start a new project. This is only available if there is no existing project open. If an existing project is open, the Project button is disabled on the Wizards tab.

All the other wizards are used to create items within a project. This is only available if there is an existing project open, otherwise their buttons are disabled on the Wizards tab. Once created, all of the items can be edited, but the wizard is a convenient way of performing several steps at once.


Available Wizards

Left-click on one of the wizards below to find out more about it:


Wizards tab

The Wizards tab can be accessed from Repute’s ribbon and provides buttons to run each of the wizards.

Greyed-out buttons indicate when a particular wizard can’t be run.


How to . . .

Run a wizard

This will open a box that will give instructions to perform the desired task.

Navigate between rows in a table within a wizard

You can navigate between the different stages you have created using the first, previous, next, and last buttons located at the bottom left of the table’s window.

Navigate between steps in a wizard

Close the wizard

Finish the wizard

After the last step has been completed, you will reach a Finish window which will check if you are happy with the selections you've made.