The Action Wizard creates forces and moments for your project and brings them together in combinations.
The best way to learn how to use this wizard is to follow Tutorials 3 and 4 in the Quick-Start Guide, which make use of this wizard.
Below are screenshots of the different steps that the wizard takes you through.
To create a new force or moment, the Action Wizard takes you through the following steps:
Step 1 - Define the forces to create in this project
No. of forces
Enter the desired number of forces
The number of forces can be between 0 and 10. You can only have 0 forces if there is at least one moment created.
Left-click on relevant cells and enter the correct properties
You can use the built-in calculators via the drop down arrows.
Left-click in the cells in the right-hand column to access a drop down list allowing you to change the variability of the forces
The variability can either be Permanent, Variable, Accidental, or Seismic.
Step 2 - Define the moments to create in this project
No. of moments
Enter the desired number of moments
This number can be between 0 and 10. You can only have 0 moments if there is at least one force created.
Enter the properties of the moments and change their variability as before
Step 3 - Define the combinations of actions to create in this project
No. of combinations
Enter the desired number of combinations
This number can be between 0 and 10.
Forces and Moments to include
Left-click in the cells to access drop down arrows allowing you to select the forces and moments to include in a combination.
Combinations can have any number of forces and/or moments (restricted by the number of forces and moments created).
Operate the functions of the Wizards