Action Wizard



The Action Wizard creates forces and moments for your project and brings them together in combinations.

The best way to learn how to use this wizard is to follow Tutorials 3 and 4 in the Quick-Start Guide, which make use of this wizard.

Below are screenshots of the different steps that the wizard takes you through.



To create a new force or moment, the Action Wizard takes you through the following steps:

Step 1 - Define the forces to create in this project

No. of forces

The number of forces can be between 0 and 10. You can only have 0 forces if there is at least one moment created.

You can use the built-in calculators via the drop down arrows.


 The variability can either be Permanent, Variable, Accidental, or Seismic.

Step 2 - Define the moments to create in this project

No. of moments

This number can be between 0 and 10. You can only have 0 moments if there is at least one force created.

Step 3 - Define the combinations of actions to create in this project

No. of combinations

This number can be between 0 and 10.

Forces and Moments to include

Combinations can have any number of forces and/or moments (restricted by the number of forces and moments created).


How to . . .

Operate the functions of the Wizards