The Project Wizard helps you create a new project.
The best way to learn how to use this wizard is to follow Tutorials 1 to 6 in the Quick-Start Guide, which make extensive use of this wizard.
Below are screenshots of the different steps that the wizard takes you through.
To create a new project, the Project Wizard takes you through the following steps:
Step 1 - Enter the administrative details for your project
Project name
This must be a valid Windows file name (excluding the characters + and ,). The Wizard creates a .rpx file with whatever project name you enter: e.g. Example1 g Example1.rpx.
By default the Wizard places the file in the folder where Repute was installed, under Projects.
This text appears on the project report.
Project ID
Any alphanumeric text. This also appears on the project report.
Step 2 - Select the design standards you want to use in this project
The number of design standards available depend on which edition of the program is running. For access to all the design standards you need Repute 2 Enterprise edition.
Tick the relevant boxes to select the desired design standards
Click on the All or None buttons to select or deselect all the tick boxes respectively
Step 3 - Define the scenarios to create in this project
No. of construction stages
Enter the desired number of construction stages
The number of stages must be between 1 and 10.
Left-click in the cells in the right-hand column to access a drop down list allowing you to change the longevity of the stages
The longevity can either be Persistent, Transient, Accidental, or Seismic.
Operate the functions of the Wizards