The Main Screen
Repute's user interface comprises the Ribbon, the Desktop (displaying any number of panels) and a Status bar.

The Ribbon
A list of file-related commands are accessible from the Application Menu via the Application Button. This includes access to the Program Options box which allows you to customize the default settings for Repute's user interface.
Shortcuts to frequently performed functions are available as icons displayed on the Quick-access toolbar.
A row of tabs on the Ribbon organizes commands into logical groups. There are further contextual tabs which provide buttons specific to certain panels and only appear on the Ribbon when the relevant panels are open.
The Desktop
At any one time the Desktop displays a number of panels. Buttons on the the Ribbon's View tab allow you to select one of the pre-defined Desktop arrangements to change the panels being displayed.
The Status Bar
The Status bar has a number of indicators which inform you of what is happening in Repute. This includes alerting you when a new message appears, telling you which item is currently selected in the Project Manager, and showing the progress of calculations being run.
Other features of Repute 2