Application menu

The Application menu displays a list of mainly file-related commands.


How to . . .

Create a new project

Open an existing project


Import data files from the pile group program “Piglet”

  1. Click the Open button from the Application menu, Home tab, or Quick-access toolbar

  2. Navigate to the folder where the file is located

  3. Click the drop-down arrow next to Files of type and select Piglet 5.x spreadsheet (*.xls)

  4. Select the file and click Open

Repute reads the data file and automatically converts it from .xls to .rpx format. This opens the Piglet data file as a new project in Repute.

Save the current project

Save the current project under a different name

  1. Left-click on Save As

  2. Select the format you want to save the file as from the list provided

  3. Type in the desired name under File name

Close the current project

Register your version of Re/x

Display product and licence information about the program

Edit the program’s default settings

  1. Left-click on the Program Options button at the bottom of the menu

  2. This will open the Program Options box

  3. Edit the desired settings

  4. Click OK

Exit the program