Tutorial 3 - Single pile design to Eurocode 7

Step 6 – create the calculation


In Step 6, you will use the Calculation Wizard to create a calculation and specify the design standard to use in that calculation.

  1. Open the Calculation Wizard by selecting the Wizards tab on Repute’s ribbon and then clicking on the Calculation Wizard button.


  1. When the Wizard appears, select “Longitudinal ULS”. (The calculations that appear here depend on which edition of Repute you are running. The Enterprise Edition provides more calculations than the Standard and Professional editions.)


  1. Click Next to display the next page.

  2. Select “EC7 with Irish National Annex”.


  1. Click Next to display the next page.

  2. Place a tick in the checkbox next to Stage 1.

  3. Click Next to display the final page and then Finish to generate the first calculation.


The Calculation Wizard then:


A copy of this step can be found at [Projects]\Tutorial 3\Step 6.rpx.


What next?

Step 7 - customize the calculation