2 - reinforced slope design program
The field test for ReActiv 2 is now open. This new version of the program includes: |
- New - completely new user interface, based on Geocentrix's Re/x technology
- New - interactive Drawing Board, with items automatically updated as their properties are changed
- New - Project Manager, with all items clearly visible in one place
- New - Property Inspector, provides easy-to-use controls for setting and changing properties of items
- New - Stockyard, containing over 50 pre-built engineering items
- New - Graph Paper, showing the top-10 potential failure mechanisms and a "heat plot" of required ground resistance
- New - Reporter, providing flexible page-based reporting capabilities
- New - Program Options, allows the program to be customized per installation
- New - customizable catalogue of commonly-used geogrids, geotextiles, and soil nails
- Improved - support for Windows 10 and Windows 11
- Improved - grid and "critical" mechanism calculations combined into same analysis
- Improved - support for wide area network licences
- Improved - support for virtual private networks (VPN)
- Fixed - error message 'Unhandled exception: Unknown exception' occurs when creating a new soil
- Fixed - error message 'Unhandled exception: Unknown exception' occurs on program startup when old LIC file is present
Please note that this is pre-release software and it will contain bugs and errors. Do NOT use ReActiv 2 for design purposes at this stage. Geocentrix accepts no responsibility for your use of this pre-release software.
Development releases
Things to do before installing ReActiv 2
- Step 1 - update your licence key (this is a one-time procedure):
- Step 2 - download and install ReActiv 2:
Release candidates (publicly available)
Hotfix #1 for Release Candidate 1
Hotfix 1 corrects the following issue in Build 5:
- Case #3882 'Code execution cannot proceed because 'bindengine270.bpl' was not found'
To apply the hotfix, please do the following (you will need Administrator priveleges to do this):
- Close ReActiv
- Download this ZIP file (containing the missing file 'bindengine270.bpl') to a temporary folder on your computer
- Extract the contents of the ZIP file to C:\Program Files (x86)\Geocentrix\ReActiv\2.0
- Run Repute
Beta releases (available to ReAssurance customers/official testers only)
- ReActiv 2.0.0 (Beta 2): 07/01/2022, Build 4 | release notes | Quick-Start Guide | User Manual | Reference Manual
- ReActiv 2.0.0 (Beta 1): 20/12/2021, Build 20213 | release notes | Quick-Start Guide | User Manual | Reference Manual
Alpha releases (to internal testers only)
- ReActiv 2.0.0 (Alpha 2): 13/12/2021, Build 20212 | release notes | Quick-Start Guide | User Manual | Reference Manual
- ReActiv 2.0.0 (Alpha 1): 24/11/2021, Build 20211 | release notes | Quick-Start Guide | User Manual | Reference Manual
Geocentrix welcomes your feedback on ReActiuv 2 and suggestions for
improvement. Please send all comments (favourable or unfavourable!)
to reactiv@geocentrix.co.uk. Please format the subject line of your email as follows:
ReActiv 2 (<Release>) <build number> - bug/suggestion: <brief description>
ReActiv 2 (Beta 2) build 4: bug - borehole is drawn below ground level instead of above
ReActiv 2 (Beta 2) build 4: suggestion - add more geotextiles to the Stockyard
Thank you for your interest in ReActiv!