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Geocentrix ReActiv - Reinforced slope design to HA 68

What's new in ReActiv 2?

ReActiv versions

The table below compares the features of the various release of ReActiv.

Feature ReActiv version
1.0 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.0
Design of reinforce slopes
Validation of reinforce slope        
Calculation of two-part wedge mechanism
Calculation of required reinforcement
Search for Tmax and T0 mechanisms in slope and along base
Support for design standard HA68/94
User interface
Live Drawing Board with separate cross-section, elevation, and plan views        
Project Manager providing easy navigation of items, using drag-drop capabilities        
Stockyard containing over 100 ready-to-use engineering items        
Property Inspector providing quick access to properties of all engineering items        
Workbook displaying results of all calculations in drill-down fashion
Graph Paper displaying results in easily-customized visual form        
Reporter providing printer-friendly output
User-customizable reports        
Browser provides convenient access to web-based program information        
Message Board collects all program-generated messages together        
Ribbon interface simplifies program manipulation and navigation        
Project Wizards: Project and Conversion        
Creation Wizards: Borehole, Action, and Calculation        
General engineering capabilities
Support for geotextiles
Support for geogrids
Support for soil nails
Extensive range of steel grades to select from (S235 to S450 and Advance grades)        
Custom steel grades
Extensive range of geotextiles to select from        
Extensive range of geogrids to select from        
Design rules from HA68/94
Extensive range of soil types supported
Support for made ground, organic soil, chalk, rock, and river soil        
Custom coarse and fine soils        
Supported operating systems
Windows 11        
Windows 10        
Windows 7 and earlier      
Windows NT and earlier        
Windows 95 and earlier      

Standalone or network licence?

A standalone (Site) licence comes with a security key (dongle) which must be connected to your computer in order to run the program.

  • Easy to move from one computer to another (simply plug dongle in)
  • Ideal for laptop computers

A wide area network (WAN) licence can be advantageous for some customers:

  • Software can be installed on as many workstations ("clients") as you wish, provided they are connected via a network
  • Licences are controlled by a centralised Licence Manager (using software supplied by Geocentrix)
  • No need to move the security key to activate the program on a particular workstation
  • Enables you to run multiple copies of the same program at the same time (provided you have the necessary number of licences)
  • Licence Manager and network security key can be kept under central control (e.g. by your IT department) to avoid potential loss

ReActiv 1.7

ReActiv 1.7 was released in 2012 for Windows XP and Windows 7. It included various bug fixes, an improved user manual, and greater compatibility with Microsoft's operatring systems.

Existing users can upgrade to ReActiv 1.7 from ReActiv 1.5 and 1.6 at a discounted price.

ReActiv 1.6

ReActiv 1.6 was released in 1999 for the Windows 98 and NT operating systems and featured a greatly improved help system, various bug fixes, and a simplifed setup procedure.

ReActiv 1.5

ReActiv 1.5 was released in 1997 for the Windows 95 operating system and added support for reinforcement layers at fixed vertical spacing.

ReActiv 1.0

ReActiv 1.0 was released in 1994 for the Windows 3.1 operating system. Implementing the requirements of HA68/94, ReActiv 1.0 had a menu-driven user interface with graphical feedback provided via its "Job Window". Results were displayed in separate Mechanism and Reinforcement windows.


Geocentrix ReActiv

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